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Search Engine Optimization

Traditional print advertising is dying a slow but irrevocable death. Less than seven percent of people regularly use the Yellow Pages (print version) while 93 percent use Google to search for products and services, according to a recent poll by Melbourne SEO Services. As traditional print advertising is phased out, online search engines such as google are becoming more and more vital.

When you search on google, your eyes are automatically drawn to the top of the page. In fact, 46 percent of people searching online only click on the top three search results, and approximately 98 percent never go past the first page.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps search engines like google find and rank your website higher than your competition. SEO is one of the most efficient ways to get maximum benefit from your website. Having a website can be an effective tool, but it is useless if it isn't viewed by potential customers and clients. SEO transforms your website into a lead generating system pointing new customers to your business.

While the average national cost of a one-year, half page yellow page advertisement is $17,100, organic SEO is free. It is a good way to prosper your online business by ranking your website at the top of a search engine. The key is finding a proven SEO company and outsourcing your SEO activities to them. uses various methods based on past experience from observing and experimenting with search engines to help your website rank higher and get more online results. We use SEO to help improve the visibility of your website in search results from specific key words. The bottom line is customers are going online - so should advertising budgets. Contact us today for a free marketing evaluation. We'll help you get on track to increasing sales and growing your business.