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The business world is changing. Traditional print media and phone book advertising is becoming less effective. More people are finding the products/services they need online - whether through search engines on desktops, laptops or cell phones, or through 'social media' such as Facebook and Twitter.

Over 92% of people now turn to the Internet when initially searching for a specific product or service. In comparison, only 7% of people use the phone book.

In these tough times, local businesses need to maximize every advertising dollar spent, and with customer bases moving online, advertising budgets should too. is dedicated to helping small businesses reach new customers through effective online advertising including functional, direct-response website design, mobile optimized sites for cell phone visitors, and search engine optimization to help your site show up at the top of Google and other search engines.

Unlike many companies that offer similar services, was founded by a successful internet marketer with over 10 years experience marketing his own products and services online, generating hundreds of #1 rankings in the major search engines for various search terms.

As someone who understands how the online world works, as well as the pressures of running a small business, has been built to deliver professional results at affordable prices. Just Contact us today for a free marketing evaluation. We'll help you get on track to increasing sales and growing your business.